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The Life of a Keto Bistro Loaf of Bread🍞

Writer's picture: denisem123denisem123

Shared by DeniseM

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Keto Bistro is a really great Keto bakery I found on Etsy a few years ago. The products are very well done with good, clean ingredients and are surprisingly (most) very low carb. Chef Mars is the chief baker in charge, and his yummy keto-baked goods come well-packaged and truly baked to perfection! 👨🏻‍🍳 I consider myself keto baking challenged a good deal of the time. After many years of baking, in my previous very carby life, with wheat flour and sugar ingredients, I’ve had a few successes and several failures with keto baked goods! Maybe not precisely failures, but if they don’t turn out “close” to their carby counterpart, I’m not very happy. So when I can I love to leave keto baking to the professionals who do it well and Chef Mars is certainly one of those!

keto bistro bread and all the things i have made with it.

I usually like to buy the keto sampler box, which comes with a wide variety of Keto Bistro products. I think the bread might have been purchased separately. I keep them all in the freezer, which lasts me at least six months!

One of these products is a loaf of Keto bread. I’ll focus on just the bread in this post, but will do another post on all the other yummy products. This bread is very delicious, and the loaf is huge! It was taking up room in my tiny freezer so I decided I needed to use it to make more freezer room. What I should have done was not be cheap, and I should have paid the extra $2 and had the bread arrive sliced! That way I could have easily taken out a slice or two as needed from the freezer. Instead, I quickly determined my bread-slicing skills were not the best, and I had to carve and straighten out almost every slice I cut so what I was making wouldn’t be lopsided! So, if you can slice bread evenly, then certainly save the money.

It took me about two weeks to finally finish this loaf of bread. It was like the loaves and fishes in the Bible, and it just seemed to keep multiplying and never finished! 😂 The good news, though, is it didn’t spoil in the fridge for that long time! Hooray, because it cost $12.55!😳

So this is my very bready story. I don’t usually eat bread, hardly ever, so this was A LOT of bread for me, but I have extra freezer room now! Ha! But no more bread! 😢 I still have the great Keto Bistro bagels, so not breadless! 🥯

Denise's harissa eggs

The first day I thought some toast with jam sounded good for breakfast to go with my yummy Harissa Eggs. 🍳 I talk about the jam I used there also.🍓 The toast tasted so good. I can’t even remember the last time I had toast! Only four carbs for the bread, and the jam was about four carbs for one tablespoon.😊

denise's plate of pesto eggs and bacon

I was on a breakfast roll, and next, I made these super yummy pesto eggs! The bread was toasted and used on the bottom. I’ve also made this with the Keto Bistro bagels. Chaffles is another good choice. You’ve got to try this! One would have been plenty, but I made two slices for the photo! I would say about six carbs per slice. You could also put two eggs on one slice to save on carbs! 🌿🍳

club sandwwich

Next, I moved to lunch, and I thought a sandwich! Eureka! 🎉 One of my favorite sandwiches, which I always used to order in my previous carby life, was a Club Sandwich. So that’s what I decided to do. I probably haven’t had a club sandwich in a decade or more!😳 Well, I can’t say that any longer. This Club Sandwich was unbelievably good. I could not have eaten the whole thing if you paid me, so it was a great sandwich to share. Also, you certainly don’t have to add the third piece of bread. It would have been just as good without it, but I just wanted a Club Sandwich!🥪

I put the ingredients in Carb Manager to see what the damage was. Not exact, but close. It looks like 20 carbs; if you do half 10 carbs, that’s not so bad. The calories are up there, but again, half is doable. 👍🏼

I was thinking for the next bread creation to possibly try French Toast, but I was out of Sugar-free maple syrup, so I decided on another sandwich, and made a Chicken Salad one. 🐓🥗

bread crumbs

There is still bread left! 😱 What to do? 🤷‍♀️ I can’t waste this expensive bread! I decided I had had enough bread for a while, so I made some toasted bread crumbs to be kept in the freezer. It's just a change from pork panko to sprinkle on things.

And also some croutons to go with salads or soup! I just pan-fried the bread cubes in some butter and then sprinkled them with a little garlic powder, garlic salt, and some dried parsley. I’m also keeping these in the freezer. 🥗🍵

So here’s the scoop on this delicious bread that kept giving. The ingredients are comparable to other low-carb breads on the Virta website. I might say even better. I can’t compare every single low-carb bread, though, but to me, this bread does not have all the chemicals and unusual ingredients you can find in manufactured bread from large companies. There are only four carbs per slice, so there is not much of an impact, but the best thing to always do is to test and, if in doubt, check with your coach. As I said before, bread is VERY occasional for me, so I’m not really worried about if I have it every once in a while. I don’t really crave bread either, and I’m fine without it, but if bread is a trigger and something that would cause bad cravings, then this is definitely not advised. Believe me, I know those who work hard to get bread out of their lives! This is just an option. 🍞😊

So here’s where to buy Keto Bistro bread. It seems to go out of stock frequently, so grab it if it’s in stock. If it’s not in stock, just keep checking back, and it usually is available again very quickly. The other products are excellent, too, and I think over a certain amount, you get free shipping. I just keep things in the freezer, and they last a very long time!

I hope this great bread is something that can make your keto journey better. ❤️

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Disclaimer: Virtaworks is not affiliated with Virta Health, but is just my personal journey on the program and doesn’t constitute medical advice for anyone else. I just want to show what my living a ketogenic lifestyle has done to improve my health and save my life! Some posts may contain affiliate links to help defray the costs of recipe and product testing. I hope Virtaworks can help you with your health journey!

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