Shared by DeniseM
I love to ketofy the Pioneer Woman recipes. I just love her recipes because they are usually fairly simple and quick, but very tasty. It usually just takes a couple of tweaks to make them keto, so I did that with this recipe. It just looked so good to me because I love lasagna, and I love chicken enchiladas! My only change was substituting carby lasagna noodles with Palmini lasagna noodles! Those noodles are made from hearts of palm, so you get an extra veggie in! It's so easy, and they taste so close to carby noodles. I just love them. I boil them for about 15 minutes before baking just to get them to the right texture. They aren’t mushy at all doing this. I also used Siete red and green enchilada sauces. Make sure whatever brand you use is low-carb.
