Shared by LizF
This recipe is insane! In so many ways.
I would not attempt this recipe alone. It took two of us to assemble all the ingredients, and the prep time was probably over 45 minutes. Cooking it took forever.

I was overly ambitious with this recipe. Perhaps a case of my eyes were bigger than my brain. I saw the words pizza, Easter, meat, and cheese and thought I could do this, even though I have little experience baking complex meals.
First of all, there’s the matter of the crust. Like my community sister, Denise, I am a bit baking-challenged. I learned how to make biscuits as a child—it was pretty much a rite of passage growing up in the South. However, my mother always supervised me to ensure I sifted the flour, rolled the dough out with the rolling pin, placed it on “wax” paper, and cut the circles out of the dough.
But this part was easy …. I mixed the flours and placed them in the food processor. Mine is a Ninja, which is basic (I bought it long ago to make smoothies). I pulsed and added the next ingredient, pulsed and added the next ingredient, and lastly, added cold pats of butter. Meanwhile, my husband is busy chopping up onions, cold cuts, etc.
Once you mix the ingredients for the crust, you must roll it up in a ball and cover it with plastic, saran, or cling wrap.
Well, that’s when things took a turn for the worse.
We have a roll of “generic” store-brand plastic wrap. It’s probably over ten years old. Who knows? So, finding the part where the seam is was like trying to unroll toilet paper from the beginning. Or maybe it was like untangling string, yarn, necklaces … you get it.
Finally, we found a way to get a full seam. I wrapped the dough, placed it in the fridge, and set the timer for 30 minutes.
The rest of the instructions imply you have time to rest before you pull out the dough. “At the end of the cooling time … prepare the filling”. I read and read and was like, this will take me more than 30 minutes to prepare the filling.
This recipe calls for seven eggs. For six of them, you separate the whites and yolks. Mix the dry ingredients with the egg yolks, and then make a meringue out of egg whites. I have mastered this, but only after many failed attempts. But with my handy, dandy KitchenAid hand-held mixer I bought from Kroger … I was able to get stiff peaks out of the egg whites.
Then, there’s the part where the egg whites are folded into the dry ingredients to make the pie fluffy. Okay …
Now, it is time to unroll the dough, roll it out to be 15 inches wide on parchment paper, flip the paper, plop it into the springform pan, and pull the crust up and over the edges of the springform pan.
I'm not sure if it was because I had a 10-inch pan instead of a 9-inch pan, but there was no way the dough was going to fold over the pan.
We did our best.
Next, place all the filling into the pan. Place in the oven and cook for an hour.
Finally, we get to rest.
However, about 30 minutes into baking, my husband yells to me from the kitchen. “I need a spritzer, a water spray,” “Now!’
Well, there was a fire in the oven.
We have an electric oven, and it has been a while since we set it to auto-clean. A little fire was blazing up and around the pan. We opened the oven door and sprayed the fire with a water bottle, and the fire went out. The pie in the oven seemed okay.
30 minutes to go.

Remove the pan from the oven and let it cool for 20 minutes. Then, pop the spring-form pan lock and use a knife to release it from the sides. Let it rest again for 30 minutes.
Maybe I didn’t read the recipe correctly. This is taking too long,
Finally …. We’re ready to eat our masterpiece even though it is close to midnight. For this recipe, cut into 12 slices. We did our best. 🙂
We each had a serving, and then … melt in your mouth tasty sensations! Okay, well, the crust didn’t work out, but this was terrific. I don’t think I have had anything like this before.
The cheese, the fluff, the meats. It was perfect … for both of us.
And, we had leftovers for days, which I liked. It’s just the two of us, and we try to have at least four servings of leftovers for us throughout the week.
And, that was the best part, even though this was laborious the outcome was glorious and I got to enjoy it for several days.
This is a Carb Manager recipe.
This is the recipe that started my search for a keto pizza rustica.
Carbs: 8.7g; Protein: 18.1 g; Fat: 33.9 g. Calories: 408.
What's on your wishlist for cookware?
Cast Iron Skillet
Dutch Oven
Roasting Pan
Sauce Pan